Message from Chairman
Message from Chairman
As an international centre of commerce, trade, and finance, Hong Kong provides the world with high value-added and highly intelligent services but has now faced a crucial turning point on its way to further enhancement. The time has come for the city to seize new opportunities and become a chief player in the development of the Greater Bay Area; the all-important strategic scheme, which symbolises the dawn of China’s latest legacy in its open-door policy.
The ultimate aim is to enhance mutual cooperation and deepen integration between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau in order to leverage the unique advantages of each place to create a grand economic synergy for the entire region.

In recent years, it has reinvented itself via a multi-pronged business model in a bid to strengthen its ability to deal with constant waves of economic risks and financial crises. The ultimate aim is to meet different types of demands emerging from constantly evolving China and Hong Kong markets.

Following the completion of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link, we are confident that greater cross-border business opportunities will emerge, resulting in new heights in the trading relationship between China and Hong Kong.

As we move forward, the Group will actively leverage its advantages of being based in Hong Kong to achieve complementary development with other cities throughout the Greater Bay Area.
Our combined efforts will be essential in the establishment of a common developmental platform for Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau, allowing us to expand into new international trade markets under the banner of the ‘Greater Bay Area’ project and the ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative.
At the same time, we at Chuang’s Consortium will continue to seek new business opportunities and break new ground for expansion in order to increase the capital value of our investments and assets in the best interests of our shareholders and society as a whole.
Chuang’s Consortium International Limited